Wednesday, August 12, 2009

37 weeks and counting!

Well, freak out mode is officially in full effect. It is like I woke up Tuesday morning and realized Isabella is literally going to come any day now, and I then realized how much I need to do before she does. I am one of those people who kind of avoids or ignores a stressful situation until it is on the brink of happening, then I freak out and make it even more stressful than it had to be. I first realized this about myself when Byron left for his first deployment. We knew about it for months yet I chose to pretend it was not happening and just went about life as usual. Then the last few days before he left I started to realize how close it was and it felt overwhelming. I think I have done this with the pregnancy too. In the beginning, it felt like it was dragging on so slowly that there was no reason to hurry anything, there was plenty of time. Now all the sudden, I am three weeks away from my due date, and if I had her any day after today she would be considered full term. So I could literally have her any day now. That really made me wake up. I still have to install the car seat, pack my hospital bag, pack Byron's hospital bag, pack things for Isabella including her coming home and picture outfit, make sure there is enough cat food and litter to last until after the due date, train my replacement at work, find a replacement for the youth group, all while growing a baby. This baby that is growing inside me happens to be making me extra tired at the moment and at the same time keeping me from getting sleep at night.

Things are falling into place though. The baby items are almost all bought (just need to be set up). I have started on the hospital bag. I have papers everywhere with Byron's contact information should I go into labor while he is at work. I have been washing baby clothes like it is my job. I have been relaxing and reading books about labor while holding my stomach. Things are going well for us. There is just still so much to do before our little girl meets us for the first time.

With only 3 weeks to go, I would say I am blessed to be stressed. At least I am thinking of these things now instead of when it is definitely too late to do anything about them.