Saturday, November 28, 2009

Isabella's First Thanksgiving

These are pictures Lindsey Griffis took at Thanksgiving at the Bourgeois house.

Isabella and David, face to face for the first time.

She is such a ham already!

Brandon helping Layne hold Isabella for the first time.  She was so good with the baby.

Layne loves babies!

Having girl talk!

Monday, November 23, 2009

3 Months Old

Isabella is now, as of yesterday, 3 months old!  I have had to put away all of the newborn clothes.  That made me sad because it was fun watching how different they looked on her each time she wore them.   We are now on to 3-6 month clothes.  She is steadily sleeping in her crib at night.  She gets a bath then goes to bed around 8:30 and will sleep until around 5:30 or 6 am.  Then eats and goes back to sleep until about 9!  That has been awesome for me.  It makes a difference to get a full nights rest.

She is such a good baby.  She only gets fussy if she is hungry or tired.  She has started to drool and chew on everything so we know teething has begun.  She also wants to stand all of the time.  I can hold her with just a finger under each armpit and she can stand firm for a few minutes!  She recognizes Byron and I both now.  It is great because she watches Byron while he talks.  He likes to explain computer stuff to me and she will just watch him talk and will smile at him.  So adorable.  I love watching Byron with her.  She melts his heart at times and those are my favorite moments.

I have included pictures from her first Halloween costume and a few pictures I took of her "standing" over the weekend.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

12 weeks old

Yesterday Isabella turned 12 weeks old!  My how time flies.  It is so funny because so many people told me this would happen but I guess I did not really believe them.  But now that she is almost 3 months old, I am realizing they were right.  Our family is getting more adjusted with each day that passes.  She has stayed with a babysitter a few times while Byron and I go out.  She laughs on occasion, pulls her head and chest off the floor during tummy time and smiles like a billion times each day.  If you are holding her, she wants you to sit her up, she does not want to lay down.  She also stands herself up most of the time when you will let her.  Sometime within the last few days, she discovered her right fist.  She loves to suck/chew on it.  If her pacifier falls out, which it does every 5 seconds, she will immediately take her fist to her mouth.  To me, this shows that it is almost time to go ahead and break her from the pacifier and let her learn to self-soothe.  This should help her sleep more soundly as well.  Really, she does fine at night after we go in every 10 minutes for the first hour or so to put her pacifier back in.  But once she is really asleep, she will sleep for about 6 hours, eat, then go back to sleep for another hour or two!  I AM  BLESSED!  She is also getting better about letting me put her in the bouncy seat or swing and cook or what ever I need to do. Things are getting so much better!  Oh, and she is in her own room in her crib!!!!  We are very happy about this.  This means that I no longer jump up every time she moves or makes a little noise.  Unless she is crying, I know she is fine.  So, we are getting into a bedtime routine with bath and cuddle and then being put in her crib.  It is such a blessing and honor to be able to be a stay at home mom.  I love getting her up in the morning and when I say "Good morning, Isabella" I get grins.  I love being able to be with her all day and see the little things she does.  It is also awesome to be able to speak words of encouragement and peace over her all day.  I am so greatly appreciative of my husband who works hard and has afforded me this special opportunity!

Our house is being built as we speak.  It is located in Suffolk, Virginia.  We bought it knowing that we would only live there for a few months before going to California for Byron to get his masters degree through the Navy.  We still wanted to buy the house and take advantage of the market being the way it is.  We will try to rent the house out while we are in California and then move back into the house when we return in about 3 years.  So many changes are happening around us but we are excited for the new journey ahead of us.

More pictures

These were from this past week.  The first pictures are in an outfit from Nick and Miranda and her hair is in VERY SMALL piggie tails.  The next ones are in a onsie from Jessica and jeans from Alecia.  I asked her if she wanted a photo shoot and she started smiling and giggling so we took some pictures.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just more 2 month pictures

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Oct 27th

These were from October 27th.  She went to my doctors appointment with me and I thought she looked too cute not to take a picture.  Well, that picture basically turned into a photo shoot.

During the road trip from Ohio to D.C. Stopped to feed her...