Monday, November 23, 2009

3 Months Old

Isabella is now, as of yesterday, 3 months old!  I have had to put away all of the newborn clothes.  That made me sad because it was fun watching how different they looked on her each time she wore them.   We are now on to 3-6 month clothes.  She is steadily sleeping in her crib at night.  She gets a bath then goes to bed around 8:30 and will sleep until around 5:30 or 6 am.  Then eats and goes back to sleep until about 9!  That has been awesome for me.  It makes a difference to get a full nights rest.

She is such a good baby.  She only gets fussy if she is hungry or tired.  She has started to drool and chew on everything so we know teething has begun.  She also wants to stand all of the time.  I can hold her with just a finger under each armpit and she can stand firm for a few minutes!  She recognizes Byron and I both now.  It is great because she watches Byron while he talks.  He likes to explain computer stuff to me and she will just watch him talk and will smile at him.  So adorable.  I love watching Byron with her.  She melts his heart at times and those are my favorite moments.

I have included pictures from her first Halloween costume and a few pictures I took of her "standing" over the weekend.