Sunday, October 25, 2009

Here is an update...

So, the swine flu hit us and hit hard.  Isabella started running a fever on tuesday and we took her to the emergency room.  They confirmed that she had the swine flu.  They said since she was older than 4 weeks and younger than 2 years old, they could treat her with teraflu.  She is just now getting over the fever.  I started running a fever on tuesday or wednesday night.  I had a sore throat and horrible headache.  I am finally getting back to normal.  My sinuses are the only complaints I have about how I feel now.  Isabella is acting better too.  She is much happier than when she was in the middle of the illness.  We are so thankful for everyone who has been praying for the health and safety of our family.  Even though we are starting to feel better, please continue to pray for our family.  Prayers are always welcome in this house.