Monday, October 5, 2009

5 and now 6 weeks...

As you can probably tell, life is crazy with a baby around.  I did not get a chance to post a blog for last week so this will be one for both of the weeks.  There are not too many new things happening with me now days.  I am just being mommy.  It is hard work but so fun!  There are new things that are happening with Isabella now though.  Yesterday, she actually was smiling at a game of "peek-a-boo"!  She seems to know when I am the one walking up to her.  She rewards me with smiles pretty often.  It is great!  She makes little noises too.  She will be just looking around and squeak.  Byron and I can not help but just laugh at how cute it is.  She is holding her head up so much better now too.  She has grown out of newborn diapers and is over 10 pounds now.  Our little girl is getting so big!  We will be traveling to Ohio thursday and we can not wait for everyone to meet her.  Tiffany has been here visiting and enjoying Isabella since friday.  It has been Great!  She has watched the baby so I could do stuff around the house.  We plan to go to the beach tomorrow morning so she can finally feel like she is on vacation.  She keeps working around my apartment instead of relaxing.  Hopefully she will take advantage of the rest of her time here where she does not HAVE to work.  I love being able to sit and hang and talk with her.  It is great!!  Here are some pice from the last two weeks...