Isabella also has learned how to laugh out loud. That has to be one of the most heart warming sounds I have ever heard! It is so cute! She has also started on rice cereal. The very first time she ever had it, she already knew what to do with it. She does great! She spits now. Puts her tongue to her lips and just blows. This is cute when she is just hanging out but when i am feeding her and she does it and sprays cereal everywhere, it is not quite as cute. She rolls over now too. She did this once before Christmas but I didnt see it. I put her on her belly on the floor and walked in to make her a bottle. I came back and she was on her back. Then it never happened again. Then while in Ohio, Byron was playing with her and got her to do it again. So when we got home I put her on her belly and for like 20 or 30 minutes she would roll from her belly to her back and I would just keep putting her back on her belly. It was so awesome!
She had her four month check up just two days after we got back. She is 15 pounds and 24.5 inches tall. They were VERY pleased with her growth and her skills. She is beyond the curve for her skills. She then had to get her shots. I hate putting her through this. You try to tell them it will be ok but meanwhile the needles they use look 12 times the size of the ones they use for adults. You feel like you are betraying them. Holding them down for them to be tortured. It makes my stomach literally sick. But, she got them after waiting almost 2 hours. She had to get three (one in one leg and two in the other). She cried for the first shot but calmed down while he reached for the next shot. I was surprised. Then the next one came and she flipped out! She began the face red, not breathing cry (my least favorite). Then he put band-aids on both and initialed her immunization record and before he even finished his 3 sets of initials, she was calm. It was almost too good to be true. So we went into the waiting room to gather our stuff so we could leave and people around asked me if she had already had her shots or was waiting to get them. That is how calm she was. She was actually smiling and laughing at them. It was amazing and SO much better than the last set of shots.
Finally, Byron has left for deployment. They are moving the ship from Norfolk to California. It should only be a few months long. It was hard to see him leave but the sooner he left, the sooner we are in California with him home each day for 3 years. We are strong and I know we will be fine. Each time he leaves, we grow stronger from it.
We are so blessed!
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