Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pictures at 3 weeks old

Here is Isabella enjoying her swing. Some how, no matter how we put her in the swing, she always turns sideways like this!

We just thought she looked cute so we took the pic even though she was getting upset.
Here she is all swaddled and in her boppy.

Wearing her first pair of jeans. We were off to stop buy Starbucks then to grocery shop.

She was tired before e even left the house. She then slept the whole time.

Here she was enjoying her paci and watching tv while winding down for the day. She decided to move the paci over to the side and suck her thumb instead.

In the swing again. This time with the blanket made for her by Amy. Thanks Amy!

Grandma took this of her. She was so cute but did not want any pictures taken.