Friday, August 27, 2010

Cara's first week

Isabella with her 1st birthday card!

At the Hospital with Cara

Cara Michelle Stocks is here!

On August 17th I woke up and throughout the day I realized I had been leaking fluid.  At 2pm my mom recommended that I call my doctor to see what I should do.  I was told to go to the hospital just to have them check for amniotic fluid leaking.  They did the test and sure enough, it was amniotic fluid.  The nurse then told us we would be staying at the hospital and would be having the baby soon.  That was at about 4 pm.  We were moved into a labor and delivery room and told to wait for the doctor.  When the doctor arrived around 5 pm he decided to break my water.  By 6 I was starting to have contractions and they were a consistent 7 minutes apart.  We only walked for like 15 minutes but quickly turned around and came back  due to the contractions being so intense.  We got back to the room at around 8.  From then on, the contractions kept getting more intense and closer together.  They kept checking me and I finally got to 8cm but my body could not help but push.  They called the doctor around 9:15 and they were worried that he would not make it in time.  While waiting for the doctor, I was trying to just breath through the contractions instead of pushing.  But for most contractions this was impossible.  Before the doctor could get there, I was crowning and the nurses began holding the baby back to wait for the doctor.  He walked in and she was born.  At 9:51pm, Cara Michelle Stocks was born.  She weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.  I got my wish and got to go completely natural again this time.  I had Byron right by my side assuring me that I could do it.  My mom was holding Isabella and they were able to be there for the birth.  It was truly amazing to have such support.  It was also amazing to have Cara and then look up and see Isabella right there too.

I am trying to breastfeed again this time.  We are having much more success this time.  Her first feeding was an hour long!  We are still going strong and haven't had to supplement with any formula.  Since everything was going so well, they actually let us leave the hospital the next night at 8.  We had a weight check up tuesday and she is starting to gain weight back.

Isabella seems to be adjusting well.  She wants more attention and is curious about Cara but she is just her normal self.  I am doing well too.  Cara is sleeping better at night, giving me at least one four hour chunk each night.  She is feeding well which makes it easier on me because I worry less and the better she feeds means less pain for me.  Byron has started back to school now.  He is working hard to catch up on what he missed and making sure he is right on track.  He has been helping with the girls too.  He has been changing diapers, taking Isabella up and down from naps, and entertaining Isabella when I can't.  My mom has been here since August 2nd.  She has been such a blessing to our family.  She helps feed, bathe, change, and entertain Isabella.  She is also there to let me nap while she watches Cara.  She has helped clean and cook too.  Byron and I agree, this would have been much harder if she weren't here.

We are a very blessed family!  God has provided so much to us.  We are healthy and happy!!