Thursday, April 22, 2010
Isabella's 7 month pictures
Posted by Stocks Family at 5:05 PM 0 comments
First update in a LONG time
Well, as you can tell by the delay of this post, I have been very busy. Isabella crawls EVERYWHERE and pulls up on EVERYTHING! This means that I hop up every 3 to 4 seconds to get her away from stuff she is not allowed to play with. That in and of itself is a full time job. I have also been still working 10 hours a week at church, trying to get the house ready to rent, and just life in general. The house is pretty much ready now. All the window blinds are up except for two, the garage door opener is in, and the only thing left to do is fertilize and water the lawn. We have not set up renters for the house yet. Two people have come to look at the house and both loved it but one wanted a bigger back yard and the other wanted to live closer to their job. There is another person coming tuesday to look at it. We are really hoping for the best. There is one month left until it has to be rented out or we have to figure out what to do about it. We are putting it in God's hands but that does not mean it is easy not to worry about it.
Isabella is 8 months old today! Time really is flying just like everyone said it would. She is such a baby and yet growing up so much. It is amazing to watch her face as she examines everything she sees. You can just see her learning. We have started the "Your baby can read" dvds. She does not read yet, lol. In the beginning she was not interested in watching it but as i try it she becomes more and more interested. When the dvd started this morning she actually looked strait up and giggled. I am not a great reader so I am hoping this will give her a great jump start on reading.
Cara (pronounced "car-uh") is doing well too. I am 5 months along with her as of April 15th. This pregnancy seems to be going so much faster. That is probably because I am running around so much with Isabella that I don't have time to sit around and think about it as much as I did with Isabella. I will post ultrasound pics of her in a minute. At 20 weeks she was already 11 oz! They were very happy to see that. I lost 11 lbs in the beginning of this pregnancy. I have now at 5 months gained enough to be right at 2 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight. Right now I am happy with that. I am gaining gradually which is best for me and for her. I am planning on having another natural birth with her. I just hope this time it is not back labor.
Byron is doing well. His ship pulled in to San Diego, CA earlier this month. He is loving California and we are starting to get excited about being out there together. He should be home about half way through next month and then after visiting here in Virginia for a week we plan to go to visit in Ohio for almost 3 weeks. We will then take the long road trip across to California. We have plenty of time to get there so we are going to just take our time and see all the sights we can.
We will document our travels and post them when we get settled in California. Until then, I will try to keep this updated.
Posted by Stocks Family at 4:08 PM 0 comments